ADawn Hudson

Let There Be Light

A collection of poetry to empower and motivate readers to live their best lives, authentically for as long as the earth remains, light will overcome darkness. Sorrow will report to joy!

About Author

ADawn Hudson

ADawn Hudson is an educator, author, and certified life coach. She is a proud graduate of the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff, where she received a Bachelor’s degree in Human Development and Family Studies. Later, she completed her Master’s degree at the University of Phoenix and worked as an educator in rural Arkansas, taking on various roles, including teaching college and elementary students.

She is the author of two books, “If These Walls Could Write” and “A Beautiful Place to Be: When Common Meets Sense,” along with more than a dozen articles addressing topics such as spirituality and career development. Hudson currently resides in Arkansas with her husband, Sedrick, and daughter, Adaia.

Book Trailer

About the Book

“Let There Be Light” by ADawn Hudson is a beacon of hope and solace in the midst of life’s trials. Written with the aim of uplifting hearts and minds, this book serves as a gentle reminder that even in the most uncertain moments, hope remains a steadfast companion, guiding us toward peace and serenity.

Designed for those navigating the crossroads of life, and particularly crafted for fellow Christians and seekers on the path of self-discovery, “Let There Be Light” illuminates the profound connection between hope and inner peace. With insightful poems and prayers, the book gently navigates readers through the labyrinth of doubts and fears, showing them the power of fostering resilience.

ADawn Hudson instills a sense of optimism, infusing each page with the assurance that brighter days are within reach, no matter the current circumstances. It’s a journey of self-renewal and spiritual discovery, allowing individuals to rediscover their strength amidst life’s toughest trials.

Book Overview

Excerpt from the Book

In my weakness, Lord. You’ve made me strong. When others discounted me, you gave me a chance to shine. I will never understand why you love me, but I am certainly happy that you do.

Know therefore that the Lord your God, He is God, the faithful God, who keeps His covenant and His lovingkindness to a thousandth generation with those who love Him and keep His commandments.” Deuteronomy 7:9

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